Peer Assisted Learning - Facilitator Training

Peer Assisted Learning - Facilitator Training

Opportunity for our Level 2 students

Most of you will have already heard of the Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) scheme that runs in the School of Law (and some of you may have in fact attended PAL sessions in your first year). The scheme is made available to first years to help them settle into University life in their first semester. Now, as you enter your second year of study, it is my view that you are in the best position to support and assist those about to enter the Law School this September. Additionally, in light of the Pandemic 2020/ Post Pandemic and, the impact that this has had/may still be having on some of us, I believe that the importance of the PAL scheme must not be underestimated!

If you are interested in becoming a PAL facilitator in your second year then, please read on..! 

What will it involve?

-          Working as part of a motivated and committed team

-          Attending a one-day training session on 'Becoming a PAL facilitator' on Friday 8th September 2023, from 1000-1600, before the start of teaching (the intention is for the training day to occur in person, on campus).

-          Preparing and facilitating (with another facilitator) a one-hour PAL session every fortnight in the first semester (5 sessions; either remotely using ZOOM or face to face depending on room booking availability and preference)

-          Taking your share of promoting the PAL sessions (electronically, in person and hard copy e.g. via the creation of Posters)

-          Attending feedback sessions with your co-facilitators in alternate weeks to the PAL sessions (5 sessions per semester), which usually last 30-45 minutes; again, either online or in person)

-          Attending ‘checking in’ sessions with one another and myself, as PAL Coordinator (again, usually lasting 30 minutes or so)

-          Participation in a successfully established venture that promotes and supports the student experience (students helping students) 


Why do it?

-          To help and support new law students to settle into ‘life as a law student’ by providing a voluntary and relaxed forum in which they can meet and talk and learn from your experiences thus far as a law student at the University of Glasgow

-          To develop essential transferable skills in facilitation, management and communication. And, whilst PAL is NOT teaching, acting as a PAL facilitator will help with consolidation of your own understanding of the law

-          To gain a real sense of achievement along with your co-facilitators

-          To enhance your employability

-          To earn a bit of extra money

Having heard about previous experiences of the PAL scheme which colleagues, facilitators and student attendees have shared with me, I would strongly argue that all parties involved benefit from the experience and, in particular, facilitators gain the most tangible benefits from participating in such a scheme.

How do I apply?

If you think you can meet all of the conditions laid down in the section on 'what will it involve?' please send me an email (using the heading- Applications for ‘PAL 2023’) to by 4pm on Friday 25 August 2023 containing the following information:

1) A written statement on why you would like to become a PAL facilitator (include any previous experiences of involvement in this kind of initiative; maximum word limit of 200 words).

2) Your first-year grades and a note of the pathway that you are on (e.g. LLB (Scots Law), LLB (Common Law), 4 year track, 2 year track, Law with languages, Joint degree).

You will hear if you have been successful in your application within a few days of the submission deadline in late August.  I am afraid that there are only a maximum of 12 vacancies to fill and so please submit your application ASAP so as to provide sufficient time for me to review all applications.

Where can I find more information about PAL?

More information related to the PAL scheme and acting as a facilitator will be available shortly. However, at this early stage, you may wish to consult a successful PAL scheme that operates at Bournemouth University- (

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